This is mount Taranaki, NZ. I spent most of my younger life appreciating this beauty. I went to school in a small town called Hawera, and then went on to work in a laboratory for Fonterra. After some challenges in my personal life I decided to move to Australia in 2008 in search of more opportunity, experiences and warmer weather.
My formal career was based around microbiology and Quality control. While I enjoyed the laboratory component of this work, it didn't really light my fire. I was blessed with 2 children, and a big change in responsibilities. I decided to study massage while at home with the toddlers. Little did I know it would grow into this great, big, life changing purpose!
Martial arts and strength training have always interested me, I have experience with advanced kungfu, Body sculpting, Hiking, and various sports. I have sustained a lot of injuries as a result! The positive side of that is experience can help me understand clients better.
Maintaining mental health is just as important to me, Although this is not the best picture, this is the Vipassana meditation hall in Pomona QLD. I have completed 3 of the 10 day courses. The course is like a deep surgery on the soul, to eradicate suffering of the mind - you mediate for 9 hours per day. One of the hardest things I have done in my life, but also one of the most rewarding.