Neurokinetic therapy is an advanced manual therapy that can undo compensation patterns in the musculoskeletal system.
The science of motor control theory suggests that all movement patterns are stored in the cerebellum and are directed there by the limbic system and the cerebral cortex.
An example of what this means:
You had an accident and broke your ankle. This injury creates pain, and this experience activates the limbic system. The brain is now open to learning alternate ways of moving to get you out of "danger".
The cerebellum decides the most efficient way to move you, while minimising pain and further injury to that ankle. Once this pattern is found, the cerebral cortex locks that muscle memory in!
That's helpful in the short term and I am thankful for this!
Long-term compensation patterns can lead to pain, reinjury, or create new problems in other areas. The compensation that worked for your broken ankle is no longer needed.
The injury has healed and the muscle compensation should cease, right?
Unfortunately, the brain likes to conserve energy and won't make any changes unless it is forced to. It will not go back to the default movement by itself!
Neurokinetic therapy can help find these compensation patterns and bring them back to the default.
The protocol involves movement assessment to identify the movements that are restricted, causing pain, or limiting you in some way.
The Tight muscles related to these areas will be tested using manual muscle testing.
The general idea is that tight muscles are "too Strong" or "doing too much",
this is incorrect. If a muscle is tight, it indicates dysfunction.
Dysfunction can mean either too strong or too weak. This is why we do manual muscle testing to confirm which state the muscle is in.
Once we have compiled the list of muscles and whether they are weak or strong, we need to find the compensation pairs. If one muscle is weak, there will be another muscle somewhere that is strong to that.
The protocol reveals which muscle is strong and weak in that pair. To correct the compensation we do release work on the strong muscle followed by activation of the weak one.
It is strongly recommended the client take the corrections home and continue with them after the initial treatment.
Doing so will increase the chances of the correction holding long term.
Neurokinetic therapy is a great option if :
You feel like you've tried everything and still believe your issue is musculoskeletal.
Your issues keep coming back after treatments, again and again AND AGAIN.
You have had so many injuries, surgeries, and breakages that you have lost count and the medical industry has no idea how to help you.
You want to find the cause of your issues and are tired of treating symptoms.
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